The Page
poetry, essays, ideas
Thursday, March 13, 2025
"Louise Glück's poetry suggests that a poet who wagers everything on tone ends up losing most of the qualities that make poetic language memorable." Adam Kirsch • The New Republic
"Reading Beckett is frequently like watching the Western canon stick its fingers down its throat." Benjamin Kunkel • The New Yorker
"Patrons would open their mouths in amazement, dropping their forks and their sausages." Charles Simic on Dada • NY Review of Books
"Many people of the middle-class did not appreciate, did not quite understand what it was she was doing, but she was bringing... respect to our culture." Louise Bennett, 1920-2006 • Jamaica Observer
"Not only is a Christian poet burdened with all the church's past and present errors, but she's also thought to be narrow-minded... and unwilling or unable to handle ambiguity and doubt." Christianity and poetry • Pleiades
"Literature, unlike propaganda, was writing in which people were in at least two minds about what mattered to them, but still meant what they said." Adam Phillips on William Empson • LRB
"I don't think you can ever know how long the life of a book may be." Brenda Coultas • Every Other Day
"There exists at the most one sentence including this word which has no other word in common with the first given sentence." Marjorie Welish on Raymond Queneau • Boston Review

"He contained in himself the same mass of opposites that made his sermons so exceptional.... twisting and turning, hammering and pounding, delving and delighting." Andrew Motion on John Donne • The Guardian

"The little magazine is necessary only so long as it insists on those peripheries that the centre neglects." Michael Schmidt • The Guardian
"You are also charged with impersonating an allegory and intent to burlesque." Paul Klinger on Misty Harper • Diagram
"It would be absurd to make large claims for Janet Lewis’s work, but in five or six poems she achieves an anonymous, expository precision." Christian Wiman on overlooked poems • Poetry Foundation
"Merwin laments the precipitous rush of ancient forms into extinction." Marion Stocking • Beloit Poetry Journal
"Readers in a hundred years... will note how little the hurtling technological changes of the modern world impinged upon his work." Brad Leithauser on Seamus Heaney • New York Times Book Review
"The writer... known as ‘The Eloquent Peasant’... was commissioned by King Meri-ka-re to write a poem in order to dissuade people from committing suicide." The Royal College of Psychiatrists
"Millions to fight compell’d, to fight or die/ In mangled heaps on War’s red altar lie." A new poem from Percy Bysshe Shelley • TLS
"The shop is manned by his faithful assistant the Book Monkey." How to open a bookshop • The Guardian
"Personally I am attracted by the notion of a hearty indifference to one’s own and other people’s feelings." Stefan Collini on William Empson • TLS
"No lyricist with so light a touch ever packed so powerful a punch." David Barber on Cole Porter • The New York Times
"Publishing these works isn’t wrong. But it is weird, since their very persistence seems to defy one of Bishop’s key insights." John Palattella on Elizabeth Bishop • Boston Review
"A menagerie of trespassers, including a genitalia-nesting bird, an elephant who lives under his house, a pianist with an itchy trigger finger, and a horse that is more Che Guevara than Mr. Ed." Scott Glassman on Jim Goar • Rain Taxi
"Reading Louise Glück is excruciating — and this is a compliment." Maureen McLane • Washington Post Book World

New poems

Grace Paley Tin House

Kathryn Maris Poetry London

Karen Solie Brick

Burt Kimmelman The Cultural Society

David Hickman Flashpoint

A. J. Rathbun Zyzzva

Jonathan Mayhew No Tell Motel

Josie Milliken Western Humanities Review

Robin Becker Washington Post

Jane Duran Magma

Lea Graham Mudlark

Amanda Nadelberg Can We Have Our Ball Back

Rick Barot AGNI

Jennifer Compton Deep South

Martin Walls Blackbird

Tony Hoagland Threepenny Review

Ashur Etwebi Words Without Borders

Billy Collins Poetry


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The Page is edited by John McAuliffe, Vincenz Serrano and, since September 2013, Evan Jones at the Centre for New Writing at the University of Manchester. It was founded in October 2004 by Andrew Johnston, who edited it until October 2009.
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