The Page
poetry, essays, ideas
"I don't know that we really think any thoughts; we think connections between thoughts. That's where the mind moves, that's what's new." Anne Carson talks to Emma Brockes • The Guardian
" 'Baudelaire' is an avenue — crowded, foggy and skull-lined — along which one passes to think about the modern world itself." Joshua Clover • The New York Times
"These syllables might be nonsensical, but they are telling and resonant." John Skoyles • The Atlantic
"Charles Bernstein has made a habit (and a career) out of questioning modern American poetry's love affair with personal experience and 'voice'." David Kaufmann • The Forward
"Where once he tested poetry against ugliness, the imagination against the world, now he settles for the dreary, flummoxed middle zone of life." Dan Chiasson on C.K. Williams • The New York Times
"If the experiment of the 20th century was to separate rhythm and meter, the challenge of the 21st century may be to re-connect them in a vital and fruitful way." Timothy Steele •
"Even when there is a prevalent period style, the pluralism of North American poetry goes about its business." D.W. Fenza • AWP
"The lack of authorship seems to serve as an invitation, opening up a space within the poem for a new writer to occupy." Simon Armitage on translating Sir Gawain and the Green Knight • The Guardian
"In order to draw upon the forms of the tradition, one must also be able to subvert them." J.S. Renau on David Caplan's Questions of Possibility • Contemporary Poetry Review
"If I had asked somebody to promise to destroy something of mine and they didn’t do it I would feel it to be a grave personal betrayal." Helen Vendler talks to Rachel Donadio • The New York Times
"Who is the best American poet writing today? Though the news will not be welcome to prize juries, literary philanthropists, and the people who choose the poems for the subway, I think it may be Frederick Seidel." Adam Kirsch • The New York Sun
"Good poetry will contradict itself." Tony Hoagland on Eleanor Lerman • The Nation
"Today’s American poets investigate a new way of thinking about the most basic facts of existence." John Burnside • Poetry Review (pdf)
"Unlike each detail happiness comes to no end ..." Claudia Rankine on Lyn Hejinian's Happily •
"In the post-industrial age, this is the only form of real exploration left." Will Self walks the walk • The New York Times
"Anne Carson is ruled by her utter abandonment to language." Alexis Smith • Powell's
"Poetry is not linguistic aromatherapy. It is not a massage." Adrienne Rich talks to John Freeman • The Times

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Dean Young The Paris Review

Mary Macpherson Turbine


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The Page aims to gather links to some of the Web's most interesting writing.

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The Page is edited by John McAuliffe, Vincenz Serrano and, since September 2013, Evan Jones at the Centre for New Writing at the University of Manchester. It was founded in October 2004 by Andrew Johnston, who edited it until October 2009.
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