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poetry, essays, ideas
Thursday, March 13, 2025 |
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"Siting itself beyond the identifiably personal, here and elsewhere, enables Kingdomland to become home to a community of women, whose difficulties negotiating their lives and bodies are recreated with discomfiting vividness." Alice Hiller Magma
"It has been a privilege to publish in PN Review so many of her major essays and interviews, and her poem sequences, and at Carcanet to publish her own poems, her anthologies, her Dublin, and books about her. More than just a privilege, it has been a continual pleasure, a pleasure enhanced by frankness on both sides, and some instructive disagreements. It will be hard for many of us to adjust to her absence." Michael Schmidt Irish Times
"The life of the poet is always a summons to try to set down some truth that was once true and will go on being true. No poet should have to worry about the public respect, or the lack of it, in which this art is held.” Eavan Boland Poetry Ireland Review
"Meanwhile I enjoy keeping in more regular contact with friends and family on both sides of the world, and wonder if I've been to my last book launch." Fleur Adcock Newsroom
"When Trump performs his press conferences, wouldn’t it be brilliant if his words landed on the deaf ears of a whole nation? What if we simply refused to hear the hatred of his pronouncements?" Ilya Kaminsky • Lithub
"n fact, everything in No Matter seems to be the matter. The phrase is an idiom at home in the mouths of dismissive millennials. Something that is “no matter” might be, in more late-Nineties terms, “no big.” Or perhaps this phrase presents an ontological problem, one of consequence (something will not matter) or substance (something that has lost all its physical matter). Thanks to Prikryl’s expert implications, the title often functions in multiple ways simultaneously." Chelsie Malyszek Threepenny Review
"It is bracing to see Paterson – a dab hand at form (40 Sonnets won the 2015 Costa poetry prize) – returning with eloquence and vim to rhythms of speech." Kate Kellaway Guardian
"[Ciaran Carson's] Still Life seems at first to be a collection of unrelated poems about paintings, but worked into these is the record of a daily routine of hospital visits and walks round the Waterworks Park (which should now be renamed Ciaran Carson Park). This strand is his most personal work and reminds me of James Schuyler’s long poems about humdrum daily life, The Morning of the Poem and A Few Days. I would love to check if Ciaran knew these but there is no email reception in the void." Michael Foley Irish Times
"Our Table of Contents, both online and in print, eschews categorical divisions into poetry, fiction, essays, etc. and thereby, perhaps, encourages fortuitous finds, discoveries of treasures not intentionally sought. Moreover, we list our works first by title, then identify them by genre, and only lastly by author (and translator, for translations). In doing so, we continue a practice typical of magazines a half-century ago, one hard to find elsewhere today." Editors Massachusetts Review
"When technique is in place, everything is in place, primed for mystery." Paul Henry Poetry Wales
"The Fugitives as a group had ceased to be taught by the time I arrived at Vanderbilt in 1983. I had students in my first five years who explained that they had come to Vanderbilt to study the Fugitives, and I felt their reproach. I was there to teach poetry, of course, but especially to develop the creative writing program. The scholars who might have taught the Fugitives had other interests, mainly in fiction. No one was teaching the Fugitive poets, not as a group, not in a class about them. Our Southern literary critics felt no allegiance to them and were in fact interested more in the broader sense of a Southern tradition which, like regional literature generally, was bleeding through its boundaries." Mark Jarman Hudson Review
"If Travisano’s readings of the poems are usually strictly biographical, well, so are most others these days, nearly turning Bishop into a thing she dreaded—an example of identity poetics—when she would rather have been a window on the world. The truth is that these biographical readings contain some justice." David Mason Hudson Review
"We were never very regular wage-earners, a writer married to a chess grandmaster. A quarter of a million sounds like huge wealth but perhaps it should just be thought of as the equivalent of a few years’ salary at a decent rate." Fiona Pitt-Kethley LRB
"Well, even before we get to the improbable “man, you—can you?” the neologisms have altered our minds: “Goldengrove unleaving.” I don’t know if Goldengrove is an actual stand of deciduous trees or not; I vote for Hopkins having invented this tract name to carry all the beauty of loss in a single word." Kay Ryan • Lithub
"Here, we are given so much: a sense of wonder, a volta, a return from the skies to the earth, and then finally a subtle reflection on belonging. [Mina] Gorji’s fellow Carcanet poet, Thomas A Clark, works in similarly short stanzas, focusing on the minutiae of the natural world, though Gorji succeeds in suggesting the emotional and political resonances of her chosen subjects, from octopi to wasps and moths and onward to the planets and the stars." Seán Hewitt Irish Times
"A lot of the technical stuff that’s available to fiction writers looks like something it would be fun to get my hands on. And it gets frustrating because there are so many novels where the writer has a lot of exciting stuff going on but then towards the end they start to back away from the excitement. It’s like they’re teenagers who have organized a massive party while their parents are away, and just when the evening’s hitting its groove they get this massive rumble of guilt and they turn down the music and kick everybody out, and try to give the impression that all they’ve done all weekend is revise for their geography exam. With a lot of novels I’m happiest if I read to about halfway and then put it aside before everything gets tidied up." Matthew Welton Carcanet
"Les Murray once called Dawe “our great master of applied poetry”, and as [Bruce] Dawe said to me in that interview mentioned above: “Like many critics of particular things, I am half in love with the things I criticise at times; I know the appeal such media phenomena as TV have because I’ve felt it, too.” And in this, we have the key, just maybe, to why a Dawe poem can get us onside whether we agree with its gist, or not." John Kinsella Guardian
"We arrived early enough on Aegina to stroll by the quayside and have lunch outside at a taverna in the middle of the fish market, toasting Katerina [Anghelaki-Rooke] with the light, local, resinated white wine – bright and pale gold like the winter sunlight, and with the faint aroma of island pines – as cats darted in and out of the fish stalls with little silver fish in their jaws. Katerina had a flare for living – for food and drink, for friendship, for eros, the physical world – and is often spoken of as a poet of the body. That she was larger than life would make you forget she was actually diminutive in stature, and often racked with pain." AE Stallings TLS
"But poetry – whatever that is without digressing down a rabbit hole – creates the right tone to convey the larger meaning of the game or person. Take the mini-masterpiece by the great modern playwright Harold Pinter. “I saw Len Hutton in his prime / Another time, another time.”" Johnny Watterson Irish Times
"Time … isn’t just circular. Things don’t just repeat themselves over and over again. We’re not trapped in some tragic fate...Real progress takes places in the moment within each human being. Real progress is love." A.F. Moritz • Toronto Star
"And, yes, the poems are also a profound reflection on the clouds descending on Iraq, ‘war by war’. But Mikhail’s poems explore the moments of transcendence in all that. For every one of these short poems, which has a slightly propagandist lilt to it, such as, ‘Ask not how many houses were built. / Ask how many residents remained the houses’, with its conscious echo of John Kennedy; there are several small jewel like pieces that are truly luminous: ‘The sun reveals / a hole in the boat, / a glow in the fins / of fish still breathing.’" Ian Pople The Manchester Review
"The Unlaunched Books podcast seeks to make a space online to talk about one of the minor side-effects of these strange days and weeks and months, writers’ unlaunched books. Each week we will talk to poets about the books we would have been hearing at festivals, and talking about with friends, this spring and summer." Unlaunched Books
"If we are in a place of refuge, on our own or with others, would we be a useful presence or a distressing one? And what would we do next if that refuge itself came under attack or duress?" Rishi Dastidar Poetry London
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The Page aims to gather links to some of the Web's most interesting writing.
Reader suggestions for links, and other comments, are always welcome; send them to ät hotmail dõt com The Page is edited by John McAuliffe, Vincenz Serrano and, since September 2013, Evan Jones at the Centre for New Writing at the University of Manchester. It was founded in October 2004 by Andrew Johnston, who edited it until October 2009. |